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Adrian Kaczmarek


My name is Adrian Kaczmarek and I'm a virtual health coach.


I am Adrian Kaczmarek, a Polish-born New Yorker living in Los Angeles, CA. I have over twelve years of experience in fitness and nutrition planning, consulting, and training. My passion for health and fitness is a personal one having lost my father to heart disease when he was just 56 years old. After that I spent my life improving the health of others so that I can save someone else’s father, brother, sister, or mother. I am an advocate for a holistic and individualized approach to improving your health and well being. My job is to get to the root cause of what is holding you back from optimizing your full health potential and teach you how to easily apply it into your life.

My system focuses on individualizing the perfect lifestyle for every person that works with me because we are all so uniquely broken. Stress, sleep, mental health and gut health are all major contributing factors to optimal health. That's why FAD diets and standard training programs don’t work for most people. The world we live in today is vastly different than it ever was and our nation is at it’s unhealthiest state ever.


Exercising more and eating less is not the answer. Especially if you are under sleeping and highly stressed.


In the past five years, 23% of all deaths came from heart disease, the number one killer of all Americans. Not far behind at 21.3% is Cancer, which means that close to 50% of all deaths in America are caused by lifestyle diseases that are 100% preventable. This is why I take all aspects of health into consideration to get the long term lifestyle results we are looking for. I apply different lifestyle hacks and positive genetic stressors to eliminate inflammation, turn on your full gene expression and cell regeneration.

Much love,





Real Clients


Shireen Enayati


Donna Chia


Sabrina Aman


Johnny Aragon


Ashley London


Craig Larson


Juana Flores


Octavia Klein


Derek Hansen




Personalized Nutrition and supplementation Program (No Training)

  • Getting Started Consultation ( 1 Hour )

  • 2 Follow-Up Consultations (30 min)

  • Gut Health Protocol to rebalance your digestive system

  • Weekly accountability and motivation management on lifestyle changes


Work Smarter

Not Harder

Virtual lifestyle hacking services

  • Health and Lifestyle Screening.

  • Personalized nutritional program and supplementation.

  • Gut Health Protocol.

  • Sleep and Stress Management Package.

  • High accountability measures with weekly check-ins and daily reminders.

  • Self help tools for tracking results and motivation.

  • High intensity weight resistance training sessions.


Bring The Gym To Your Home

  • Book a free consultation for your at home gym set up to optimize your results.

  • Intensity = Speed x Weight. Maximize the intensity of the workout to increase your resting metabolism.

  • The equipment will be customized depending on the size of the space and your fitness/health goals



  • Talks are meant to empower people to change the areas of their lives that impact their health the most.

  • Topics vary depending on the audience.

  • Each individual that attends the talk gets a starter Lifestyle Hacking Packet that includes the anti-inflammatory diet, how to regulate your Circadian Rhythm and improve your gut health.


Hack your company

  • Make wellness a part of the work culture in your company and save on your premium health insurance costs annually.

  • Increase productivity, reduce stress, improve mood and concentration. Decrease sick days and absenteeism.

  • Screen your employees for Metabolic Syndrome. The leading killer in America.

  • Incorporate wellness talks on topics that truly impact your employee's mental and physical health.

  • Create a community within the company focused on the well being of every employee.


Hack your apartment building

  • Increase the retention of your tenants annually.

  • Increase leasing rates by introducing a wellness program as an amenity to the building.

  • Bring the community together by introducing health and wellness talks to your building. Educate and inspire your tenants to want to make a change.

  • Educate the tenants on how to use the equipment safely for injury prevention.

