"I have trained with Adrian Kaczmarek for eight years. Indeed, with some resemblance to "Thor," he is a real life superhero for his male and female clients alike and a true inspiration for all around personal fitness. I always look forward to our daily workouts because he reminds me to execute with the proper form and technique while still optimizing my intensity with heavier weights. Most importantly, Adrian brings a wealth of knowledge from the fields of nutrition and supplements, where clients can make the most impact with their physique. I am continually impressed how Adrian remembers all of the science behind the customized dietary recommendations for each client. Ask him a question about your diet (or training, personal health, and body pains etc.} and he literally lights up with enthusiasm, responding with as much information as possible to ensure that one is educated on the subject and prepared to make any necessary changes for better results. Speaking of results, they have been phenomenal. With his training, I shed 20 pounds off my frame that I didn't realize I was even carrying around. My body fat dropped from 21% to below 12.9%! Most people at work didn't think I had that amount to lose either, but I sure am glad that I won't have to pack that around for the rest of life. How was it done? I'll let Adrian fill you in on the details, as this is his passion and I could not fathom him working in any other profession.”

Derek Hansen