

I’ve been hacking my lifestyle for the past year and a half and I’ve lost 94 lbs and knocked off 14 inches off my waistline! 

I was scared of having a heart attack before the age of 40 because I was close to 300 lbs. I was really addicted to sugar and had absolutely no control over my diet. The consultations with Adrian really helped me stay accountable and it allowed me to learn what kind of impact my choices are making on my body and mind. I stopped looking at food for happiness and I started to look at it as fuel and energy. 

I was able to come off my anti depressants after just a few months. I didn’t need them anymore and I felt much better immediately after I came off of them. Strength training, anti inflammatory diet and meditation helped me much more then any prescribed medications I took. 

I can fit in normal jeans now, my social life has improved and guys are nice to me for no reason lol. Living is so much easier now. I’m not scared for my health anymore and I don’t have to shop at the plus size store and if your dealing with obesity you understand how big of a deal that is.

I wasn’t able to walk up 2 flights of stairs when I first started without getting winded and after 6 months I climbed 150 flights of stairs during the LA stair climb in under 25 minutes!

The workouts were great because Adrian was able to adjust them to my liking, I never worked out and I never thought that I would actually enjoy or miss it when I stopped.

I would recommend this program because it gave me really sustainable results. I see my friends doing crash diets and going up and down all the time. This changed the way I look at food and I understand how food and exercise impacts my life. Once I was able to conquer my weight all other obstacles in my life didn’t seem impossible anymore. The impact Adrian was able to make on my life changed me forever. It’s a lifestyle! 

Juana Flores

USC Student 24 years old