Training with Adrian has gotten me the best results I’ve ever had in my life with exercise! I’ve always been physically active running, cardio, spin classes for dayz and pilates, but Adrian really taught me the importance of building muscle through weight training! I can’t believe how much time and energy I wasted trying to slim down with cardio- not to say cardio is not important, but weight training has completely sculpted my body in a beautiful way. Adrian is also extremely knowledgeable in so many facets of the mind and body and is constantly learning and keeping up with new research. Adrian has tight me a lot about diet and gut health.

He is also really fun! I actually look forward to getting my ass kicked while having a some of the best laughs of my life.

I’ve recently had a baby and took some time off training during my pregnancy. Now that I’m ready to lose the baby weight, Adrian was my first call in order to streamline the process to getting my body back in shape.

Octavia Klein