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Shireen Enayati


“Adrian is a life changer. He pays attention to every detail and has been by my side through every step of the way. He pushes my limits but always does so with positive reinforcement and encouragement. He is dedicated to my success and helps me understand the “why” of everything that we do. From workouts, to nutrition, to sleep and stress, Adrian takes a holistic approach to lifestyle changes and has provided me the roadmap for lifelong success.”

Shireen Enayati

Vice President is Leasing with Unibail Rodamco

 Donna Chia

"I was very lucky to be able to work with Adrian on my weight loss/get healthy journey. With his knowledge, encouragement, and motivating workout plans, I was able to shed 60+ Ibs, and shed 12+% fat. Adrian, kept me on track throughout my journey, he was always kind and supportive, especially on days where I feel like giving up. He takes a holistic approach to weight loss, and gives sustainable recommendations that really work. I really appreciate the advice and guidance he has given me."

Donna Chia


 Johnny Aragon


“What can I say about this guy.. Adrian Kaczmarek is an amazing fitness trainer and nutrition coach! He's a badass who can help you achieve results you wouldn't believe are possible. He holds you accountable and makes sure you're following the proper steps for maximum effort. He tailors your diet and exercise plan depending on your goals.

I remember my first time meeting him back in March 2014, when he worked at Future Health. He began by assessing my diet and exercise routine at the time. I wasn't eating the best nor exercising correctly, which he offered me a one-month trial with him at the time. He laid out why change was necessary. I remember following his diet routine at home and working out with him a few times a week, which brought my body fat % down by 3.7% and I lost 9 lbs in a span of one month.
I would return to work out with him as my schedule permitted a few times over the years, which I would always achieve amazing results, mainly losing body fat and keeping a health weight.

I would get stronger when lifting weights but it was both through time efficient workouts and proper nutrition that made all the difference. One great thing about Adrian is that he does not sugarcoat things. He's straight-up about what you need to do in order to achieve results but he is there to help you along your journey. He truly cares about his clients.

I'm happy to say that these past 5 1/2 years, I have gotten stronger on the inside and kept off the weight I lost since, despite ups and downs. I've noticed I have more stamina, especially when doing tough workouts, such as boot camp or boxing workouts. Another important thing that came through this was getting comfortable with cooking, especially cooking nutritious foods, a valuable life skill that saves you time and money. Whenever I feel like I'm falling behind, I always go back to Adrian's diet and exercise recommendations and I'm back to where I should be.

You won't regret working with him! He's truly an expert in his field. Thank you Adrian for always believing in your clients and for pushing us to do our best!”

Johnny Aragon

 Sabrina Aman

Sabrina Aman


 Craig Larson



I never worked out in my life and I first picked up a weight at 49 years old. I was a little skeptical at first but now at the age of 51, I am proud to say that I have dropped 27 pounds of fat and put on 19 pounds of muscle. My body changed drastically as I lost 4.5 inches off my waistline! I also put on 1.5 inches on my arms and 2 inches on my chest! My visceral fat (internal organ fat) went from a 10 (Very High) to a 4 (Normal) and my cardiovascular health improved dramatically. 

When I first started I must admit I was quite skeptical if I could even put muscle on at my age. I thought that I was eating healthy and I kept an active lifestyle so I wasn’t expecting much. I had no idea that I was skinny fat! I heard the term before but I didn’t know what was happening to me internally because I looked good on the outside. After just the first 2 weeks of training, I felt stronger and I had better energy. The changes in my diet were really scary at first because I started eating foods that I thought were bad for my health but it turns out it was the opposite. This overall experience has been very eye-opening and I have been able to maintain my success very effortlessly. I still work out 5 days per week for doing high-intensity training. I’ve never counted a calorie in my life and I don’t feel like I am missing out on anything. I can’t even stomach the poor foods I used to eat anymore because I understand how bad they really are for me. 

I look and feel better, I wake up with better energy and I had to buy a whole new wardrobe. 

I never thought that I could put on this much muscle starting to work out at 49, the consultations and tracking of my progress kept me motivated during some of the harder times of the year. I love the program because it’s simple to apply to my life and I am now on autopilot. All of my bad habits turned into good habits so maintaining my healthy lifestyle is almost effortless.  I can honestly say that I have changed my lifestyle forever using Adrian's lifestyle hacking techniques and I am never going back to the old me.

I would recommend this program to anyone who is looking to change because it’s not a gimmick. It’s personalized on every level and that's why it became so easy to apply it to my life. 

Craig Larson

 Ashley London

I have been using Adrian's Lifestyle Hacking techniques for over eight years now, and It has made a drastic difference in my quality of life. It helped me tap into a new level of energy and focus I didn't realize I had, but it wasn't easy at first. 

I came from a background of a loving family that bonds over food just like many other families out there. It was tough in the beginning, and I struggled to maintain my lifestyle initially, but that's part of the process. I had to eliminate foods that pleased me and were a part of my family's culture forever. After a few adjustments, I found my groove, and my cravings started to happen less frequently until one day, I finally had full control. I have been hooked on the program from the beginning because I got amazing results in the first few months. The workouts were invigorating, and I felt their effect immediately. My energy and my focus improved drastically, and I became more productive and confident in all aspects of my life. It was eye-opening how a healthy diet and exercise improved every other area of my life.

This program is not about crash dieting for quick results and staying in the yo-yo effect, going up and down in weight each year with no change. It's about finding a new norm that you can maintain and not feel like you are on a diet. I love that everything was personalized to my lifestyle and my specific goals. It kept me motivated, and when I was struggling with different aspects of my life, I always got the answers I was looking for from Adrian.

I would recommend this program to everyone because it's about a plan that works for you; it's about life and longevity. I became a better person and improved my quality of life forever.

Ashley London




 Juana Flores



I’ve been hacking my lifestyle for the past year and a half and I’ve lost 94 lbs and knocked off 14 inches off my waistline! 

I was scared of having a heart attack before the age of 40 because I was close to 300 lbs. I was really addicted to sugar and had absolutely no control over my diet. The consultations with Adrian really helped me stay accountable and it allowed me to learn what kind of impact my choices are making on my body and mind. I stopped looking at food for happiness and I started to look at it as fuel and energy. 

I was able to come off my anti depressants after just a few months. I didn’t need them anymore and I felt much better immediately after I came off of them. Strength training, anti inflammatory diet and meditation helped me much more then any prescribed medications I took. 

I can fit in normal jeans now, my social life has improved and guys are nice to me for no reason lol. Living is so much easier now. I’m not scared for my health anymore and I don’t have to shop at the plus size store and if your dealing with obesity you understand how big of a deal that is.

I wasn’t able to walk up 2 flights of stairs when I first started without getting winded and after 6 months I climbed 150 flights of stairs during the LA stair climb in under 25 minutes!

The workouts were great because Adrian was able to adjust them to my liking, I never worked out and I never thought that I would actually enjoy or miss it when I stopped.

I would recommend this program because it gave me really sustainable results. I see my friends doing crash diets and going up and down all the time. This changed the way I look at food and I understand how food and exercise impacts my life. Once I was able to conquer my weight all other obstacles in my life didn’t seem impossible anymore. The impact Adrian was able to make on my life changed me forever. It’s a lifestyle! 

Juana Flores

USC Student 24 years old

Octavia Klein

Training with Adrian has gotten me the best results I’ve ever had in my life with exercise! I’ve always been physically active running, cardio, spin classes for dayz and pilates, but Adrian really taught me the importance of building muscle through weight training! I can’t believe how much time and energy I wasted trying to slim down with cardio- not to say cardio is not important, but weight training has completely sculpted my body in a beautiful way. Adrian is also extremely knowledgeable in so many facets of the mind and body and is constantly learning and keeping up with new research. Adrian has tight me a lot about diet and gut health.

He is also really fun! I actually look forward to getting my ass kicked while having a some of the best laughs of my life.

I’ve recently had a baby and took some time off training during my pregnancy. Now that I’m ready to lose the baby weight, Adrian was my first call in order to streamline the process to getting my body back in shape.

Octavia Klein


 Derek Hansen

"I have trained with Adrian Kaczmarek for eight years. Indeed, with some resemblance to "Thor," he is a real life superhero for his male and female clients alike and a true inspiration for all around personal fitness. I always look forward to our daily workouts because he reminds me to execute with the proper form and technique while still optimizing my intensity with heavier weights. Most importantly, Adrian brings a wealth of knowledge from the fields of nutrition and supplements, where clients can make the most impact with their physique. I am continually impressed how Adrian remembers all of the science behind the customized dietary recommendations for each client. Ask him a question about your diet (or training, personal health, and body pains etc.} and he literally lights up with enthusiasm, responding with as much information as possible to ensure that one is educated on the subject and prepared to make any necessary changes for better results. Speaking of results, they have been phenomenal. With his training, I shed 20 pounds off my frame that I didn't realize I was even carrying around. My body fat dropped from 21% to below 12.9%! Most people at work didn't think I had that amount to lose either, but I sure am glad that I won't have to pack that around for the rest of life. How was it done? I'll let Adrian fill you in on the details, as this is his passion and I could not fathom him working in any other profession.”

Derek Hansen




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