
I never worked out in my life and I first picked up a weight at 49 years old. I was a little skeptical at first but now at the age of 51, I am proud to say that I have dropped 27 pounds of fat and put on 19 pounds of muscle. My body changed drastically as I lost 4.5 inches off my waistline! I also put on 1.5 inches on my arms and 2 inches on my chest! My visceral fat (internal organ fat) went from a 10 (Very High) to a 4 (Normal) and my cardiovascular health improved dramatically. 

When I first started I must admit I was quite skeptical if I could even put muscle on at my age. I thought that I was eating healthy and I kept an active lifestyle so I wasn’t expecting much. I had no idea that I was skinny fat! I heard the term before but I didn’t know what was happening to me internally because I looked good on the outside. After just the first 2 weeks of training, I felt stronger and I had better energy. The changes in my diet were really scary at first because I started eating foods that I thought were bad for my health but it turns out it was the opposite. This overall experience has been very eye-opening and I have been able to maintain my success very effortlessly. I still work out 5 days per week for doing high-intensity training. I’ve never counted a calorie in my life and I don’t feel like I am missing out on anything. I can’t even stomach the poor foods I used to eat anymore because I understand how bad they really are for me. 

I look and feel better, I wake up with better energy and I had to buy a whole new wardrobe. 

I never thought that I could put on this much muscle starting to work out at 49, the consultations and tracking of my progress kept me motivated during some of the harder times of the year. I love the program because it’s simple to apply to my life and I am now on autopilot. All of my bad habits turned into good habits so maintaining my healthy lifestyle is almost effortless.  I can honestly say that I have changed my lifestyle forever using Adrian's lifestyle hacking techniques and I am never going back to the old me.

I would recommend this program to anyone who is looking to change because it’s not a gimmick. It’s personalized on every level and that's why it became so easy to apply it to my life. 

Craig Larson